Tuesday 18 October 2016

3 simple Spreads for beginners

3 simple spreads for Beginners -

Hey welcome back to this week’s interesting Tarot treat. I wanted to offer you something different then usual, and so thought of Spreads! Spreads are yumm on toast as well as on your Reading table as well :) 
Kidding! Well As a beginner I sometimes struggled and used to get baffled while Tarot reading. Difficulty was to choose a particular spread for me while I knew there were many spreads existing. Tarot Spreads and the depth they offered was also confusing. Some spreads had just few cards and they said it offers great depth. And some spreads had many cards and they said that it could be used for minor day-to-day queries as well. I had the mis-conception that less card spread was used for minor reading/questions and larger spread cards were used for deep questions. Whereas some part of this is true, but its not always the case. Larger spreads can offer more details, though some of them could be used for day to day readings or minor questions as well. 
Spreads and readings for a total beginner can be totally confusing and mind daunting. The challenge of memorising the 78 cards wasn’t enough that the big bad world throws to you another challenge of “Spreads”. Doesn’t matter, you need to stay cool, and keep reading this post. You need to first get down and decide which spreads you are gonna use. Write it down! I am not kidding, at first you will need to do all this school kid typo work to help you stay focused and get it all right. 

One Card Spread -

 This spread/ reading can be used for minor as well as serious questions. Ofcourse you cannot call it a spread, as it doesn’t look like much of it is around.

One card reading can be easily taken as just the solution, or you can decide for yourself what that one card means for you. 
So if you are a total beginner, a thousand questions will stir up in your mind as soon as you pick up and start shuffling the deck. And so when you pick out the card you will be confused what it means. So just before you do any reading, I would suggest you that you first write down the questions you are going to ask that one card reading.  This will help you to stay focused on your question.
Once you pull out the card, you know what it stands for. 
One card reading can be used for a variety of purposes, to understand depth of a matter, to understand the question, to understand what’s being said and what’s not being said etc.  

Two Card Spread  - 

This two card reading can also be used as a solution or as an answer to client’s or to your question. This reading will be giving you better depth. But if you are a total beginner and want up to the mark answers and get confused with more card, stick to one card reading for sometime. 
Two card reading can also be used as 1st card for getting the solution to current problem, plus the next card telling the future when the solution step is taken. 

Three Card Spread - 

Three card spread is the most versatile spread, it can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you want a quick reading or an in-depth reading this will work. Ofcourse the depth and detail that a large spread can bring cannot be acquired by this 3 card spread yet, you  can always use this to help you get quick readings. Its perfect for beginners to help them go deep with 3 cards and deliver a good weightage reading for client’s concerns.

A three card general reading can be 1st Card = Past, 2nd Card = Present and 3rd Card = Future. Which is widely used by most of Tarot Readers around the world. This spread can also be used in few ore ways… here’s it.

Present and Future Spread -  

1st Card = Present, 2nd Card = Guidance for Present concerns and 3rd card = Future. This spread can be where the first card is the present card or the card that shown the problem that is concerned. Then the 2nd card will show the guidance for the 1st card, and the 3rd card will show the outcome when the guidance is followed.  

Problem and Direction Spread -

1st card is showing problem, or situation at hand. 
And the other two cards will show two different options for solving or handling that problem at hand. And then the Querent has the choice which solution to choose. 
Now the two directions that will be shown by the cards will also help to decide which direction is better, or whether both directions are good. And it depends upon the preference of the querent where he wants to go and which direction he prefers and why. 

These are the basic three spreads that I feel will be good for everyone, especially for newbies as beginners as you might find it difficult as a beginner to use the cards effectively with spreads. Have you known or used any other simple spreads other then these? If yes then please share in comments below, you can tag me in picture on facebook if you want to show me the pictured version of it. Also if you want to share the entire spread and your interpretation then too you can tag me.
If you have any questions about this article, then I would love to answer them. Subscribe to my site to stay updated with the weekly Tarot articles, news, weekly free predictions plus more interesting stuff that I only talk in e-mail. 
Will get back to you next week with something new and interesting to share. If you have any requests or queries about learning tarot you can surely ask them in comments below. I would love to help you :) 

If you don't get freaked out by detailed huge spreads, then I have a good recommendation of Spreads article here...

Hindi Tarot Reading

English Tarot Reading for 16th to 22nd Oct

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Quirks of a Spiritual Professional

Hello, welcome back to my weekly Tarot articles. I know you are here to quench your Tarot thirst. Today I have got few of my friends who have shared their quirks of being into their spiritual profession. May it be Tarot, Astrology or Witchcraft. All these lovely people have shared their heart out about the work they've chosen.
Here's what they have to say....

Frustrations of being a Tarot Reader

by Tarot Romance
Everyone wants their ex-lover back
“Is my lover coming back?” Is THE most common question I’m asked. And you can probably guess the percentage of times the answer is YES… 
It’s not always good news
I like to be an up-lifter. So it’s tough when I pull rubbish cards and tougher still to resist the urge to put a positive spin on it… But the moment I try to censor myself is the moment my intuition flies out the window.  It takes guts to tell people what they don’t want to hear!
I’m a target for abuse
A total stranger sent this via my contact form today:
“Are you telling me that the way the stars are aligned actually governs the way I live my life? Next you'll be telling me you live with ghosts and Elvis is coming round for lunch today. What a joke.”
Which got me quite riled up. But I took a few breaths and decided not to respond.
People think I’m weird.
This is accurate. I am pretty weird. 

Alison Wilkie is a Tarot Reader and Astrologer who specialises in helping you through relationship issues over at Tarot Romance. Her mission is to breathe fresh air into whatever's deflating your mojo, by revealing the truth behind things that are getting you down. 'Coz truth is a beautiful thing.
You can grab her free guide: Six Winning Tarot Spreads for Love, here!

It’s All Insights when it’s Tarot

Magical Symbols, Intuitive Stew, and Healing medicine, these are the words the come to mind when I think of Tarot.

Growing up in a very religious Christian Family I use to see Tarot as Evil. I use to see it as if an evil spirit was living in the cards and telling people half-truths. In my own journey, these thoughts held me hostage in my own spiritual development. Being a born psychic medium and clairvoyant I had many dreams that consistently challenged my beliefs, including my ideas about Tarot. Once I grew tired of living confused and at war within myself I decided to drop my fear based thinking and explore my truth.

Learning Tarot was extremely easy for me. In school I have always been great with numbers and symbols and patterns. Turns out Tarot has a lot to do with these things. My first deck was a fairy deck. I thought it was cute and so I picked it out and went home to check it out. The messages were cute and inspiring and this starter deck made me feel at ease with crossing over the thin line of my childhood beliefs.

I decided to make several trips to the metaphysical store, learning new things and checking out crystals. One day I went to the store and I felt a lot of energy in my hands. As I began to pay more attention to what was calling my attention, I noticed it was a deck of Tarot cards. The closer I walked to these cards the better the energy felt to me. As I picked up the deck, I noticed it was a Stream Punk Tarot deck. I could not explain the feeling at the time but I felt deeply connected to these cards.

Whenever I would hold these cards, they felt beautiful to my hands. Smooth, and just amazing. Since then I use many other decks but this one remains my favorite.

I use Tarot in my personal life in many ways, such as:

-When I consider Things to look out for during the day

-Looking for inspiration to parent my children for the day.

-What my week will look like and if I need to give more attention to grounding on one day more than the rest

If I have a Mediumship Reading and my client feels nervous, sometimes I start with a general 3 card Tarot reading to help them to relax. At times many couples fuss and feud. Well this is no different in my own marriage. I am quick to give myself a quick look to see what I should do in heated situations. Tarot will always tell me the truth even if I was the one wrong in the situation.

While I still use my Stream Punk Tarot deck, I mainly use my Angel Tarot deck for clients.

In Short, Tarot is a tool that will accurately reveal the truth of a situation. Tarot works great for personal insights or giving responsible guidance to others. Tarot can answer Yes or no questions as well as questions that may be tough to ask. In those cases, the Celtic cross or Horse shoe spread works best.

Hi my name is Icy Kendrick. I make my living as a Certified Professional Psychic Medium, Angel Tarot Card Reader and Spiritual Healer. Currently residing in Oahu, Hawaii but originally born in Detroit, MI, born Medium and Clairvoyant. You can find more information about me at 

Take time to chime in, how has Tarot helped to improve your quality of life?

Icy Kendrick

Witchlife; Mystical Musings from a Real Life Witch

You hear the word Witch and many things probably come to mind, perhaps most of them uncharitable; a wizened hag with a pointy nose, women dancing naked under the moon and worst of all, a nubile woman cavorting with the Christian concept of the Devil. The word Witch has become a loaded and potent word conjuring all kinds of images, ideas and often many misconceptions. The reality is that Modern Witchcraft is a contemporary spiritual tradition with old world roots and influences.

There are many ways that Witches practice their Craft but here is a glimpse inside what it means to me to practice this earth-centered spirituality. 

I identify as a modern yet traditional Witch. This is a Path I came to many years ago, drawn to it when I was still a teenager. I have walked the ways of Paganism from a solitary Hedge Witch to participating in dedicated circles, including Coven work, to cycling back round to practice more on my own again, but now within the fellowship of a tradition and chosen community. Over the years I have come to draw from the wells of several wisdom traditions, integrating my experiences and knowledge from Goddess Traditions, American Folk Magick & Conjure and Faery Seership into my Witchcraft practice. To elaborate, I align both with the words Witch and Pagan, but it should be explained that while all Witches are Pagans, not all Pagans are Witches. There are many Traditions within the landscape of walking the Path of a Witch and Pagan, each with unique nuances, systems and beliefs. I speak for my own journey; my ways are not the only ways to practice the Craft of the Wise.

For me being a Witch is a spiritual orientation, a soul-blood alignment. It means I experienced a personal awakening and connection to something us Traditional Witches call the Witch Blood.
I practice a direct-encounter spirituality; living life as a co-creative, soul-purpose-oriented magickal practitioner. I believe I have a role in showing up in my life, fully accountable and actively participating through mindful living. For me, and many in my community, that includes honoring the Earth and all beings as sacred. It means attuning myself to the ebb and flow of the seasonal tides and the moon’s phases. It also means being aware that I act with integrity, contribute positively to community, the world and my work as a Healer.
Like many Witches and Pagans, I identify as an Animist. Animism comes from the latin word anima which means breath, spirit, life. An Animist believes that all life, even “inanimate” objects, possess spiritual essence. That means I believe in that all life is sentient regardless if it is in the same way as I am. To me, all life is connected and sacred, vital to the wellbeing of the planet as a whole ecology.
I also believe that Divine Presence is immanent, saturating and flowing through us, between us; integrated with the world that surrounds us, rather than a transcendent view that believes Divinity as somewhere separate, outside the physical world. As a Witch, I relate to Divinity both as Goddess and God. I believe that the world is made up of more than what can be seen with just my physical eyes, including what I call the Unseen World, Spirit Allies and Guides.
Another aspect of my spiritual path is maintaining a regular Ancestor Practice that honors and venerates those I know as my Beloved Dead or Holy Ancestors. I recognize that I am here because I arrived on the Ancestral Stream of those who came before me.


So what does this all look like in my daily life?

While I am not standing over a blazing fire stirring a giant cauldron filled with a bubbling brew, I do own a cauldron, but of a much humbler size. If you looked into my magickal cupboard you will also find pestle & mortars, brooms, crystals, sage, incense, herbs, candles, tarot cards and other items that I use in my magickal practice.
A Magickal Practice is not always the flamboyant notion that comes to mind of a person in flowing robes casting spells at their neighbor. It actually is a personalized experience unique to each person and tradition. You can find many definitions of magick, but for me, my magickal work is relevant to what I am seeking to visualize and manifest in my life. The magick I can be found working routinely focuses on aligning with prosperity, wellness, protection and healing.
As part of my spiritual practice, my home has a central role. I have many altars, some are small fitting entirely into a pot and some are larger. They can be found in my kitchen, livingroom, dining room and temple room. Altars are sacred space and as such create energetic portals me to interface with the Unseen World to commune, meditate, pray blessings or do active magick.  

prosperous altar3.jpg

Witchcraft is a way of life and integrated into my daily routines.
I begin my day with honoring my ancestors with offerings and doing the spiritual alignments of my Witchcraft Tradition; Ash, Birch & Willow. From there, I set my magickal intentions for the day with creative input, visualizations and soul-work mapping.
As a professional Witch, I also work with clients to provide spiritual counsel, healing and guidance on their journeys of awakening and growth. When I am not at my shop, I can be found spending time outside on the land, frequently at the river near my home, connecting to the Genius Loci (Spirit of the Place) or tending my garden.


About Winifred Tannetta Costello
Spirituality is perennially woven into the fabric of Winifred’s Path. She has more than 25 years of direct experience and knowledge in Paganism, Goddess Traditions, Witchcraft, Sacred Dance, Reiki, and Tarot. AwenTree is the manifestation of a lifelong dream to create a magickal hub and sustainable business that celebrates spiritually-inspired living, honors Sacred Traditions, in particular Pagan and Earth-based Paths, and encourages healing and transformation for all beings and the Earth. Winifred, founder and proprietress of AwenTree, became a Reiki Master Teacher in 1997 and is a LuMarian (Divine Mother) Energy Practitioner. She is a NGH Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Past Life Regression Facilitator. She is the Local Coordinator for Western Mass Pagan Pride Day.

Lynne McGee -Tarot Reader.

When I first started doing Tarot Readings I happened to also be into chakra balancing so every time I would do a reading I would prepare myself by mentally running quickly through my chakra’s and making sure they were all open, pumping out the right colours and then I would end the session imagining myself fully enclosed in a bubble of white light. This process would take me about 5 to 10 minutes to prepare and then I would be ready to commence reading for other people. I was a ‘party reader’ so I used to go into people’s homes, be enclosed in a room somewhere and ‘do my thing’. It was essential that I was ready to commence work as quickly as possible. If reading for myself I didn’t bother.

However when I started to take clients at home I was very nervous. I’m not entirely sure why although I’m a bit of a perfectionist and the sessions were much longer and I charged more so I wanted to be sure I would provide a quality service. In order to steady my nerves I developed a much longer meditation and chakra opening practice and in doing so discovered an unexpected talent.

I was a Massage and Polarity Healing Therapist as well as a Reader at this time and in my office there was a massage table, my work desk, and facing my work desk a built in cupboard with a mirrored door which clients could use to adjust their clothing and fix their hair after a Treatment. My desk faced this mirror. To calm my nerves I chose to spend some time meditating but at the time I had a great deal of trouble keeping my eyes closed during meditation so would begin meditation staring at a lit candle on my desk. The reflection of the candle flickered in the mirror and would always grab my eye so slowly I would move my eyes from the candle on the desk to the candle in the mirror. Within a week or so of doing this I began to notice subtle energy movements in the mirror and that led me to start looking at my own aura as it changed in my reflection. By the end of a month I was openly aura gazing as part of the meditation process and incorporating my chakra opening work into the aura gazing method. I often found myself getting the urge to write after making my aura connection, white lighting and connecting to a higher energy source way beyond the room. Many chakra balancing exercises include visualisation of the cord of energy coming down from the higher source out there in the universe and entering and surrounding your body and it was always having seen and felt this cord becoming strong that the urge to write would rush through me.

As I kept a notepad and pen on the tarot desk anyway to jot down anything I wished to return to while completing a reading with the client I decided one day that I should go with the urge to write and see what came. This is how my practice of tuning in to a client and reading them simply from their name began. I found that with their name written at the top of a page I could go both backwards and forwards along their timeline and gain information about them as long as I held the pen in my hand and allowed myself to feel the vibration of their name.

This was to become the start of every reading that I performed for a client. I always took a client’s full name and their nicknames if they had them along with their age as part of my booking process. I used the names to tune in and the age to place them in the present as a point to move backwards and forwards on their timeline. I found that I not only got accurate information about them but I also got answers to the questions they were coming to ask the cards about before they arrived. It was not unusual for a client to walk in the door, for me to explain my process and read out the information I had obtained clairvoyantly in the previous half an hour’s meditation and for them to then say ‘ Well you’ve answered all my prepared questions! Now I have to find new ones for you. ‘

Having covered the basic questions with accurate verifiable information about them the client was both often shocked /surprised but excited, and willing to go much deeper with their Reading than they had anticipated. Trust was formed between the client and I because I had already shared many of their truths, sometimes hidden and sometimes forgotten until brought up by my writing and because of this they felt that I both knew them and understood them so the usual barriers that exist between strangers were dissolved and hearts were bared.

I currently do not do face to face Readings but I will still occasionally use the writing process as a precursor to a Tarot Reading as I feel it tunes me to their energy at a much deeper level. There is a lot about you in your name, it is your story and it contains all of your information.

Where the cards themselves are concerned I have only one quirk and that is that between every single question I deal all the cards out into 9 piles to ensure that they are completely separated from the clusters they were shuffled into previously and then put back into one pile. Why 9? I really don’t know other than that I was drawn to that when I first started. Unlike some Readers I don’t mind others handling the cards, in fact I prefer them to because it is their energy that we are working with not mine and it’s their energy that I want influencing the card pulls. Also other Readers often read reversed cards but with very rare exceptions I don’t as I believe the cards when laid out tell your story both negative and positive regardless and as I personally don’t read storybooks upside down why would I read your life this way? These are though just Techniques, just as the Tarot are just Tools, and we all find our own way that suits us as Readers.

Website: http://spiritsensetarot.weebly.com/
Etsy Shop: SpiritsenseTarot on etsy.com.au
Email me: spiritsense@Gmail.com
Follow Me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SensibleSpirit/

Hindi Weekly Tarot Reading
English Weekly Tarot Reading

Tuesday 4 October 2016

13 cards that show bad-luck, and how to handle them

Cards that show bad luck, and how to deal with them - 

Visiting a fortune teller is a roller coaster journey and the same is for seeing future for yourself “what the cards hold for you”. You always wanna hear good old mushy stories from the fortune teller. But seldom it turns out the same for you. You always might get some warning tones or alarming tones. Which you didn’t expect and didnt want to receive. 
Though I have listed a few cards here that I have termed as bad luck cards, they always don’t mean ‘bad luck’ in the reading. In Tarot I dont feel any card can show bare bad-luck, there is always some directions or guiding points that can help you to get out of that dooming condition which I would never term as prophecy. 
Also I feel that whenever there is some sort of misfortune being foretold by any method of fortune telling, there is always a way to deal with that. But yes ofcourse the expert should know to deal with that. 

Cards showing bad luck are - 
Though the cards coming up in a spread or reading dont always mean bad-luck is coming. The position in the spread also depends. And this fact should also be kept in mind that the cards are coming up based on the current mindset of the querent and it can always be altered if the person is determined enough to bring change in his life. Ofcourse the latter which I mentioned is a change that can be brought in by severe determination ONLY. Beliefs and perspectives that form in the human mind once are usually permanent unless the soul has strong determination to surpass minds  limitations.   
So here are a few cards that I feel show bad-luck, if not bad luck then some sort of discomfort or unexpected and unwanted circumstance. 

Swords cards will be the star of this article as they are the cards that don’t always show “great things are coming up”. They are the most disliked suit in the Tarot Pack. But if you try to understand this carefully “There’s nothing in this Universe that’s negative, everything exists has been created with positive energy of Divine”. You know that if there are some negative or cards that dont make you feel good, then they too have their own importance and significance. 
9 of Swords can be and is a devastating card to turn up in your reading. This card shows past, ongoing or upcoming devastating circumstances that might appear on materialistic level or just mental or emotional level. If its on mental or emotional level still the effects of this card will be devastating. With depressive thoughts and emotional states, hopelessness and alike. Ofcourse something like this is saying for your present or future or for someone else depends on the cards and their position. Not just this card can show this sort of situation. 

10 of Swords - 

10 of Swords another hero of this article. How many times this card has turned up and has brought in alarming future or brought to light the seriousness of current circumstances. 
10 of Swords might show present, upcoming or past situation where some body tried to do harm to you. It can most likely be physical harm but it can also mean emotional or mental hurt. Well if you are a tarot aspirant you needn’t freak out if any of these cards turn up. Go deep into the reading. These unwanted cards can reveal a lot and help you to take careful steps to help hop out of that situation.  

Reversed Wheel of Fortune -

Ofcourse fortune when appears flipped is going to show misfortune. Misfortune in terms that the good things that you feel should come to you are delayed or pushed away from you. This might be for several reasons. The things, people or situations you long for might not be the right one’s for you. You might be longing for them just on competitive basis or from ego. Real heart desires never fail to fructify. But egoistic choices will be hindered.  
Check out if there’s either of the above mentioned cases if you are facing misfortune. You will need to carefully analyse and then try to come to a conclusion. If its your heart’s desire that’s being hindered, then check what’s more that you need to add. A complete dish is allowed, if its just a half cooked dish then it won’t be allowed to be presented on a 5 star buffet table. 
World needs improvement and intense level of positivity and purity. If your dish doesn’t match to optimal levels of goodness, it won’t be allowed to pass. Check re-check until the misfortune label is finally removed naturally. 

So this card also shows misfortune? Yes it does show upto a certain extent. Not exactly misfortune. But yes if you have worked your ass off and then when the results are pushed away or halted without reason then you too will term that as misfortune. 
Though what everybody terms misfortune in different definitions. For people who have seen dire crisis and intensely negative situations then for them this card might not be that of a bad sign. They will be happy to wait or get delay in getting just the final result. But for a person who has been a die-hard achiever this card turning upside down might seem like a mountain turning upside down in their path. 

8 of Swords - 

This card also is of the Swords category and can be sweared for its misfortunate abilities. Lol yes, I did say that. But a little do you know of the learning this card has brought with it. And so looking at it with a negative eye is an easy escape.  
A broader way of accepting this card says that this card speaks to you clearly that you are in a situation where you have chosen to keep your eyes closed and hands and feet tied up. Unless you don’t have those limitations within you, that situation can ever be created outside you. 
Though you might choose to appear totally innocent and blame everything on the outer situation. But a little bit of digging will help to uncover the truth of your involvement.

Death -

This card I am not sure what category to put in. I have no good or bad feelings for this card. Clearly I feel this shouldn’t be a part of this Tarot Pack. LOL But thinking just anything isn’t a solution. Because Death is a part of human life, then how can you separate this card from the deck. 
This card when taken in a mundane way, is a misfortunate card. As it might show destruction and separation. But maybe if Tarot exists on higher realms then this card might be the most appealing card in those realms. As life on other planets isn’t the same as earth. And destruction means completion of cycle and rising to a greater divine self. So maybe this might be a celebrated card in other worlds.   

Tower is the super duper scary card that I can place in this league of cards. Tower is something that freaks me out. Yes there are reasons for it. Though its a card that simply says “Bitter Truth revealed” but in a greater way this card might be very devastating in what it brings. Though that devastation just breaks down false beliefs and systems and clears out way to let truth make its way. Still its easy said then done. 
I once got some really difficult to digest situation in my life, which was very very uneasy to accept. That happened about 2years ago. That was what I call life’s Tarot teaching lessons for me. Arghhhhh!! Tarot Classes are better :P lol 

Again another card that is like uncertain why its placed here. Lol because the card itself shows uncertainty. And it cannot exactly be termed as a misfortune. But this card actually shows uncertainty and actual clearing of way or appearance of clear picture isn’t clear. And so this card is put here. This card will halt some tasks, situations or opportunities indefinitely and thus can actually prove to be terribly unlucky card to have in important readings for business deals, relationship breakthroughs and things like.
Again saying the age old line here, because saying it is necessary. The intensity of this card and what its going to bring depends on the question, the position in the spread and other factors also matter. 
The hanged man has appeared so many times in my readings for my clients as well as for myself. This card has scoured the hell out of everyone’s terror and still doesn’t agree to budge from its position. I have had so many people complain of the unnecessary limbo they were facing for an indefinite period of time. With life just feeling stuck and to not moving forward despite of people being immensely good, doing good and giving good. 
Life still will remain stuck if you are not doing what you ought to do. So stop whining and get ready to get messy with your feet in mud and determination to sow right seeds in your mind .

Fives are the next big culprits after the swords. With the five energy shouting out loud that change is coming. It always isn’t that pleasing to have that change in life. Especially if everything in life is going good and you are wanting to stay in that honeymoon phase forever, its then that life strikes hard the cord of 5 energy. And you face this change in the relationship. 
You are not here to create Romeo-Juliet love story. Yes Love is what everyone deserves and wants in life. You can say its the food for the soul. But you cannot over eat on this emotion.  
People, resources or situations that you love will go away from your life if you just focus on dwelling on the love energy and emotion, the celebration of success or the goodness of a situation. 

Singing chorus to the above card this card also brings a change. But a different one. On the physical level. Either related to materialistic resources or your physical body. Either of the case change will be uncomfortable. But life always brings in something good or bad for a GOOD reason. Which you need to figure out. Materialistic world will not support your existence if a part of your existence endangers another existence that needs to survive.
5 of Swords - The next lines in our poetry are 5 of swords. These aren’t that horrific, they might make you feel good internally. As this card shows a winning or victory. Obviously in a wicked sense. Egoistically winning over situations and arguments and just trying to prove yourself right isn’t what you are meant to do. So loosing something in that situation is also foretold in the cards as well. Loosing the love of someone isn’t a good option against proving yourself right. 
You need to be grounded in this world with humanity as your core value and humble-ness as your core feature. Kindness and love are supposed to be brimming in each and every cell of yours for most of your lifetime. You cannot keep them at bay just because a few people acted unwise with you. When people don’t treat you in the right way remember its a lesson that you have brought with you to learn. You are not supposed to backfire them and shower them with the frustration that was actually brought in with you, to help you grow. 

The next in this series is the five of Wands. This card again shows a change in something, ofcourse 
In a way that is not going to be comfortable. But still again if you recall what I has told you before you will know that I said “Everything happens for a Reason” and so because this we can understad this card too in a righteous way. 
This card usually shows a conflicting situation that involves many people around you. It can be people at your workplace or in your family or neighboring places. But this looking at the card there is always something good about every card in Tarot. Which means you need to fish out goodness in this card as well. This card shows that conflict arises because all people involved might have different views or different ideas. All of which might be equally promising. And so no one wants to budge from moving back on their idea. Great isn’t it? We have 5 great ideas then just one. But it frustrates because we didn’t expect to get 5 different solutions to one problem. 

These are what I feel show upcoming bad-luck or show warning signs that your actions might result into that. But you just cannot sit and sob over these cards turning in your reading. These cards plus cards around them, position in spread + position of other cards in spread are also needed to be considered. And out of that only a whole meaning can be extracted. 

I know myself, when I started learning Tarot I used to hide away my deck whenever something unusual happened. Some negative card popped up or some other funny sign I got. But remember by doing that, you will only stop your growth and learning. 

If apart from these cards you have some additional cards that you feel can be added to this list of misfortunate cards then please mention them in comments below. Share this post with your Tarot lover friends, I love to share Tarot related articles with the world. Let me know if you want me to write about a specific topic. 

Hindi Version for Weekly Tarot Prediction
English Version for Weekly Tarot Prediction English Version for Weekly Tarot Reading

Tuesday 27 September 2016

7 most tricky cards in Tarot

So here you are learning one more lesson of Tarot. Have you come across some cards in Tarot pack that are totally mind boggling? Tell me?

Being honest I must say there were some cards in the pack that were totally a puzzle for me. They not only confused me but also astounded me with the positions they came into.

Some of the most tricky cards that I have come across are - 

First of all all court cards were very puzzling for me. But that I have cleared out in this post here. Go check if you didn’t read it. Then came a few more cards that I felt were confusing. I have given them below. But they were not BAD or TRICKY. Later on I learnt that Tarot cards don’t have just one meaning. But one single card can hold a lot of meanings and what it means in a reading, requires great skill.

Cards that were confusing were - 

Now you may not find all of these cards confusing, maybe your list might be a little bit different. You can share that in comments below. Well for me these cards have been a challenge and puzzling.

1. Magician - 

Magician isn’t tough to remember. Its easy, but the thing is the application. I was clueless when this card came up in readings as the person performs magic and I couldnt find any reasonable meaning for the reading.

This card means different for different positions. There are countless number of positions according to the 1000’s of spreads that exists in the world. But for e.g lets take an instances.

If the magician turns up in a Health reading, means that if reading shows some health problem exists. Then magician means that this person is someone who has all 5 elements in his control. Which means with that power of control he will be able to control the ailment and bring a healing. Now this is just an example. While the other cards in that reading also matter.

2. High Priestess -

The High Priestess confused me for quite a long time. She is guiding the door to spiritual world right! She sits on the pathway that opens to the secrets of the universe. WT*. This was a puzzle. I would be mind boggled when this card came up in a relationship reading.

Well it was not that bad as I felt it would be. The reading was something like the priestess was guarding a secret which might point out to a female in that relationship who is hiding a secret. Or secretly passing away some useful info to someone else. Whom you don’t know.

Well again this is just one instance. The exact meaning for you might differ based on the position the card turns up plus the other cards around this card also are need to be considered.

3. Hermit - 

Hermit and Hireophant were to silly people what I felt were duplicates of each other. Why the hell does the other named man has to exist if they mean almost the same.

Well let’s clear out. Hierophant is the one who is like a church priest. But whether he is priest or not, doesn’t matter. The ability of him to help you grasp the knowledge to reach the divine matters.

Now if this card turns up in a property reading, then it might mean something like this. That to deal with your property matters you might need to contact a broker who is the hierophant of real estate. Just an assumed reading. Other cards + card positions matter. 

The Hanged man was the one that turned up the most in my readings about me and my clients. Little did I know what that upside down man was doing while being suspended to that point.

The Hanged man card means that the man is somewhere stuck in his life. Some situations where he can help and bring out effective solutions are not demanding his help. And he with his knowledge and wisdom has to shup-up in that moment.

Now lets assume this card turns up in career/job progress reading. And then this card would mean that you are in a situation where you feel your expertise will help to take forward a project or tender. Which will make your company profit as well as excel. And at the same time will earn you good recognition as a result of job well done. But the torture is nobody is allowing you to speak up and say your point. Everybody is busy and wants to express their own ideas. Spread position and other cards around this card matter.

5. Devil - 
Devilish man with goat legs means shit when it turns up in your money reading. This man doesn’t have any money in his hand. He has goat legs and is sitting proudly. What can he point out to in a money or financial reading.

Well it can mean a lot. It can mean your pride or ego is blocking you from getting the abundance you want in your life. Or maybe the devil inside you is the result of your money drain. Your ego can bring you pride but it cannot bring you money to cover those goat legs with some cloth.

6. Death 

Damn! Why does this card exist at all in the Tarot pack. *&%#$^)@(. No words for this card. I actually hid my deck away(lol) after I started learning tarot and saw this card. Didn’t pick up the pack again till next two months.

Well to the horror if it, this card just doesn’t mean end of life only. It can mean a million other things. That show dead end, stoppage, end of a phase, stop and take other way, forget this, leave it, let go… etc.

Also take other cards in the reading into considerations. if its really meaning ____ then other cards will also sing in chorus with this card.

Then there’s a tie between Judgement and Justice. These two cards I feel were meaning the same. And why they were given separately didn’t matter. See the justice meant justice according to good and bad karma in materialistic world. And judgement was a hearing of decision/judgement passed on for the good or bad karmas of a soul. Confused?!

Well I too was confused. Justice actually means justice for your good bad karmas in your day to day life. Where you feel there was injustice there will be justice done for you.

And judgement is actually the study of good and bad karmas across lives and then judgement is passed over for that.
These are the cards that I found tricky. I would like that you share the cards you found tricky or difficult to understand. Also if you have found a better way to understand the cards that you find difficult then you can also share that please in comments below.
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 Hindi Version

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Does being into Spiritual profession shy you away?

Shying away from Spiritual Profession?

Do you shy away from accepting that you are into spirituality? Don’t worry, coz you are not the only one. There are many people all over the world who feel this way.

I’d like to tell you my story. I too got into spirituality long back but never knew that I will take it as my profession. Reason? spirituality and wearing gemstone malas and rudraksha bracelets is considered as taboo and people doing it are considered crooks in a way. Taking to the way they behave in materialistic world.

Then when I actually discovered my interests in spiritual field, I started digging deep into it. I thought its just for my personal interest that I am learning it.

But slowly I discovered I loved doing it all the time. And only better option was that I start charging for it. And take it as my profession.

Spirituality & it acceptance

Spirituality is something where you try to learn about the unknown world. And the entire race in this world goes after Spirituality when they want to learn tips and tricks that can make them eligible to conquer the materialistic world. Something that is known and finite. And running after the unknown is considered silly and stupid by the materialistic masters. They will make fun of you and might consider that you want to escape reality which is making you believe in the infinite invisible world.
Spiritual saints are found all over the world and some of them have typical quirks. And those quirks make them distinct and unique and sometimes also a subject to humiliation. Spirituality no doubt has been accepted by many people during their worst times in their lives. When you were is the worst phase of life, you were lost and were clueless that was the time maybe that you began digging into the spiritual world. And many people go through such suffering that they actually find it unbearable and so try to take refuge under spirituality.

You absolutely don't want to be appear like one. So also you might find it difficult to accept it.

And whether you have faith or you just pretend to be spiritual the place becomes a sort of comfort zone as Spiritual zone has its own energy. This energy is very addictive which makes people come once and stay there forever.

To make sure you accept spirituality in correct way make sure you follow these few tips - 

1) Have a specific goal/ reason for getting into spirituality

As a lot of people get into spirituality and then forget to do everything else in their life. They forget their family, kids and just sit under a tree. That will involve a lot of karma and then that solemn tree also will not give you peace of mind. Because the starving family is cursing you.

2) There are crooks even in Spiritual groups

If you have just seen some major dissatisfaction and unexpected human behaviour in your normal life. You might take refuge of spiritual groups to ease out. But remember there are devils there too. Spirituality is for everyone who has been through a lot + for all those who have been unwanted to others.

3) Spiritual world isn’t magical all the time -

When you get into spirituality you might experience an instant refreshing and magical feeling. But its not always the same.

The instant good feeling was because you were suffering since long and the spiritual world was waiting to shower some warmth to you. So the initial time might be magical. But then you are expected to grow from there. If you stay for long it might suck and reality will come to sting you. So its better to enjoy a little and then get to work.

4) You are there for Growth! - 

Getting into spirituality and not growing. Is like wanting to sit in a 5 star hotel and not wanting to eat anything. What will happen? You’ll be thrown out after a few convincing attempts. You are not here to be forever. Yes you might have read about rishis who were born like that and remained like that their entire life. Or somebody who was born normal and then turned into a saint. But that sort of lifestyle is not gifted to everyone.

Once you enter this zone you will be expected to start growing and evolving. You can choose the path how you want to grow, or you will be given once when you are ready.

Why you feel shy for accepting it? 

Now these above given explanation is for all who read this article. Because to know how’s and why’s of spirituality is important. But the reason why you feel conscious to accept it is this. You have already seen a number of crooks, silly and funny people. And the majority of people in the world when facing problems. Turn towards spirituality. And that might make you feel that you might give a wrong impression about you.

Also some people who are into spirituality are very spiritual and divine. And some people from materialistic world might also consider them holy and divine. And might rever them. And this thought itself might make you uncomfortable. As you might not feel you are that holy and eligible to be revered by anyone. Yes a sort of respect will build up for you, because you know something that is holy and divine that they don't know.

Also there is one more fear that once you enter that image of a saint and then are found doing ordinary chores of day to day life. Might out down your image and cause you loss.

What to do to help remove all unnecessary woo around spirituality?

The above points I shared, were necessary as I wanted everybody reading this article know what Spirituality actually is. And not to use that tool as a lifetime refuge. Yes you can be spiritual for lifetime but being born as a Human you also have a karma.

Spirituality is infinite and so are spiritual practices.
jappcrystal ball readingtarot reading

rune reading

Once you get into it you will notice a couple of practices that are appealing to you, though you might not know what you’d do with them. Still you love doing them. And then there might be a couple of practices that are weird and might instill fear and insecurity inside you. Because they might appear dangerous and brutal.

Try following the practices that are saatvik. Means that don’t harm anyone at all. No human or animal. And get into practices that please you. Sometimes there are paths that seem so intresting and intriguing that you just feel like walking more and more ahead on it. Just remember if you are there without a specific goal then take every step very cautiously. All that glitters is not gold. But somethings might be real gold.

Stay in integrity with your inbuilt ethics and values. Yes ethics and values for everyone in this planet is different. Some might also be given wrong one’s that are harmful to the mankind. But if you decipher them and remove all violence and brutality from it. Ethics are all pure and valuable for our growth. Killing anyone cannot be an ethic or value. But killing negative mentality and negative emotions from a live human is a True ethic.

Accept what you do, and not what Spirituality or spiritual knowledge can do - 

Spirituality is vast and there are lot of unbelievable experiences when one enters spirituality. Well you don’t need to unveil all of those experiences when you go professional. When you turn into a psychic or spiritual master you will be knowing a LOT. And you are not turning into a master so that you can reveal all that spiritual world has shown you in one sitting.

Your spiritual experiences are what the spiritual world wants to teach you or show you. But they might not be same for others. And others will have different experiences. You know that.
Stick to your point and your services. And not on your experiences. Chances are that people might not even believe you and go away. You feeling that spirituality is what you have to teach then focus on teaching. And not what you have learnt. People are interested in learning something that can improve their life and not learning stories of your life.

Also don't feel that the vast and enlightening knowledge that you are sharing is yours. Yes some imsights you might have gained. But overall you too learnt something, and while learning you discovered something on your own. And all the knowledge os universe lies in each soul. You are just being a medium to unveil a part of it.

These were the few points that I feel makes you and me conscious about spirituality. But I know that these are not the only points. What’s your reason why you feel shy of accepting Spirituality as your profession. May it be reiki, tarot, angels or anything else.

Mention your profession too along with your response(I’d love to know who you are).

I will be back next week with another interesting topic. If you have some requests of topics that I should write about, then let me know.
Weekly Tarot Reading Hindi Weekly Tarot Reading English

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Which questions you should avoid for Tarot Reading?

Which questions you should avoid for Tarot Reading?

Tarot reading is all about helping improving people and their lives. And though not future is set on stone, there have been a couple of instances in past about accurate predictions. That actually makes people believe in future telling like as if its set in stone. So as a professional  you have this responsibility that you don’t make people believe in you as if your word is a word from God.
So inorder that you keep your side safe there are certain questions which I feel every fortune teller should avoid. While there are people who believe answering these questions is totally fine as it can help people to take life decisions or take better precautions.
But for me I strictly stay away from these bombs.
Life endangering questions - 
  1. Questions like “how much life span do I have?” or “How much time is left?”
This is the most deadly question and is a MUST AVOID for all fortune tellers. You are not God and can neither take the responsibility of somebody’s life in your hands. 
Why I am refraining you from doing this reading is that Tarot readings are based on what mind-set people have. And though mind-set once formed change under rare situations. Though you can and never should take the risk of answering question about anybody’s life. Well things can change and people can push away their end. There are many cases where people get extremely motivated and have burning desire to live if something great comes up in their life. You might have seen this happening in people around you.
Just telling a date flat for their end. Is like putting a label of expiry dte on someone. Remember that hurts. Nobody likes to take that truth. Everybody wants to live more and more as death to everyone is painful. Though its a truth that everyone has to accept. Yet its not your duty to make them accept it. ITs everybody’s own duty. And everybody’s acceptance has a freewill to when they want to accept it. 
  1. “If I do ______ will it be dangerous for me...”
If people are taking some risks in their life, like having some life endangering addictions or doing some acts or indulging into activities that might be life-dangering. Then its better that you don’t answer those questions.
First of all when people know something that its dangerous for them, then they are not supposed to get into it at the first place. Without any advice. Risk taking in business is there which can be of two types. One where there are calculated risks and other where its just a wild guess and trial and error type of thing. You need to explain people if such type of question comes up.  
  1. “Does doing this harm me?”
Also there are certain tasks or jobs that are actually not safe for people. Now this life-danger thing can come up in various forms and you need to smell the danger when it comes to you. 
II) Questions related to Health  - 
Questions related to health are common and people might question you if you deny to do readings for questions based on that. There might be two cases for Health readings...
  1. when they don’t have any health problem -
When people don’t have any issues with their health, they will still ask. What happens here that if you say that there’s not going to be an issue in future might make them careless towards their health.
And they might get into habits or practices that might actually hurt their health and might actually create some health problems.  
  1. When they do have certain health problem -
When people have health problems it can be either serious or non-serious. But asking questions or predictions actually means they want to know what their “destiny” is. And if its gonna be okay or great they will not take seriously to take medications about that situation. 
Or if they are destined to suffer and nothing’s gonna work then too they will avoid medications.
Thing is taking medications might become a pain for people if they are sick for a prolonged time. And even if there’s no improvement or hope for recovery medications might help to reduce their suffering or pain. 
III) Doing readings for other’s who are not present at the time of giving Readings - 
1) Doing readings might not be liked by the person who’s questions are being asked for - 
When people ask questions for someone who’s ot present at the moment while doing the readings, means that either that person doesn’t want to have any solutions or they have already decided something for them. For which they don’t want any predictions. 
So in that case you are just interfering with their energy system without their permission. Which involves karma. And you services will not be considered as service by the absent person. 
  1. Doing readings might not be accepted by the absent person - 
When people ask about questions for someone who is not present at the place of readings, then they might take it all. And after they leave might present the reading as an advice or action step that the other person can/ has to take. 
Now you don’t know in what way those action steps or advice is going to be given. Whether in a commanding way or threatening way or a warning or something else. Either of the case you cannot afford. As Tarot is a means of predictions where people have all the right whether they want to accept that prediction or not. 
These are all the different types of questions that I don’t prefer to read about. What are the questions that you avoid or restrict people from asking. Please share in box below, also let me know why. It can help me and other who are reading this article. 

Thank you so much for reading and considering my work worth. :) It inspires me to write more of such informational stuff. 

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