Thursday 14 May 2020

Commonly increasing Heart Problems, need some extra thought...

With an increase in Heart problems nowadays, there is a huge panic and people give in to costly complicated surgeries. But think about this 30-40yrs back there were few heart problems. Very few people got blockages. 
There's definitely more going into it, just check out this video by Do. B.M. Hegde 
This is what a Genuine Doctor will advice. And not scare you of death if you question the Surgery!

Do make sure you watch this video before getting any surgery. I don't want to put a label on entire Medical Industry. We do have good doctors even now, who work for the welfare of Humanity, And always give real advice. But there are people who have made this a "business" and will scare you of Death if you choose not to have a surgery. 

Honestly I also have made spirituality my business, but I don't try to drag people into it. You always have a choice whether you want to choose my services or not. I never say "if you don't get a Reading from me, you'll be doomed for life!" 

Video about Blocks in Arteries etc 

Certain problems that arise in the Human Body are a result of the food that we are eating now. In olden times we knew this proverb 

"You become, what you eat

And because of this, you've to be careful of what you put inside your mouth. But with the progress of TV and Media, people have developed a habit of accepting foods without questioning their quality. 

Non-vegetarian food has been consumed since 1000's of years, and a healthy animal was consumed inorder to bring that kind of health back in the eater. But today with the growth of Broiler industry, Chicken that is from a Broiler breed is the most unhealthy. See this is a snapshot taken from Wikipedia, do read it. I will place a link to the entire article on Wikipedia. Do check that out for sure. 

Check the full article here

I know I try to talk about this often because I feel there's a lot of crap thats going around in food stores, labelled as "food or healthy" but very less people really have the welfare of their customer in mind. 

Do you know you can keep your Heart healthy?

Heart needs to be kept healthy, how to need to care for your hair and skin. Same thing applies to your heart as well. Your heart is a muscle and laws about muscles apply on it as well... Inorder to keep your heart healthy there are certain things you need to remember... 

1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids - 

Perhaps this is the NECTAR for your heart and inorder to keep your heart healthy, and you want to keep cholestrol in check; then you need to take a constant intake of Omega 3 Fatty acids. They can help prevent Heart disease and help manage if you have existing heart issues. 

Omega 3 are found in Fish and highest is found in Salmon. If you are from India then we call Salmon "Bangda" 

Also remember eating fish is good, but how to prepare it also affects the quality of Omega 3 in it. Boiled or Roasted Salmon almost keeps the omega 3 content intact, but frying definitely deteriorates the amounts of it. 
Also be careful Indians have habit of "tadka" in foods, which also might include doing it for fish recipes. Tadka has oil that has reached smoke point, and this oil will loose all its minerals and nutritive qualities in it. And will turn into trans-fat that also add to the blockage of arteries along with cholesterol. 

If you don't like daily intake of Fish, you can include a regular intake of Omega 3 Capsules. These are fish oil capsules. 

2. Omega 3 for Vegetarians 

And if you are vegetarian you'd probably not like to hurt the fishes! So its fine, you can still keep your heart healthy by taking plant based Omega 3 options. 

Flax Seeds are really good vegetarian option for Omega 3. Also be careful in India I have found people try to roast it to make it more crispy and palatable. But that will burn off the oils in those seeds. The same oils for which you are consuming the seeds.
So try to sun-dry them if they have caught humidity. As these seeds cant be easily chewed when moisture led.

Another option for Vegetarians is Chia Seeds, chis seeds has a number of other benefits also apart from having a good store of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are loaded with fibre, good for weight loss, also has high amounts of anti-oxidants. They're hard to be missed. They look very much like the Subja seeds/ Basil Seeds/ Tukmaria but they are different then them. They are greyish coloured and take longer to get soaked in water. 

3 Exercise - 

I know this might sound like your old granny nagging you, to stop getting immersed into TV or mobile and get to do some physical exercise. Keeping the body healthy and flexible is necessary. Definitely if you already have some heart disease, then you must consult your doctor before beginning any exercising routine. 

Imagine a man who hurt his hand, really bad. Got a fracture and put on plaster for 6months to help that bone heal. After those 6months, will that man be able to do the usual work with his hand like what he used to do before? No... Why because his muscles are not tamed for that. His muscles remained steady for long and it will take him time to get his muscles used to the normal routine push and pull... 

The same thing applies to your heart as well. Your heart is a Muscle, and if you don't exercise you might end up making the muscles of heart weak. That can even take little pressure!! No wonder sometimes people just collapse with little pressure or stress! 

To keep your heart healthy its important you exercise, in a way that increases your heart beat. This is a lengthy topic so Im not explaining it here. You can check the topic of CARDIO EXERCISES/WORKOUTS. 

And if you don't like exercises then you can indulge into physical works across your house. It can be cleaning work, sweeping, swabbing, washing clothes with hands and brush, washing car etc. These are some regular chores that need to be done and when you do them they involve some muscle power too. Yeah don't do with a automated swabbing machine! then the machine is getting the workout!!

If you can go one notch further then you can also work on your farm, wash your animals, take your dog out for long walks etc. Which are also very good workouts.

Remember these Exercises will be effective, ONLY WHEN done regularly! Else Ive seen people boasting of doing some heavy workout on "that day", which has just become a history!

4. Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol - 

Now I am at a point here where Im teaching you all about Heart care, and I don't intend to confuse you. But there are two types of cholesterols, LDL and HDL's.

LDL is Low Density LipoProteins which is considered as the BAD CHOLESTEROL.

And then there's 
HDL, its High Density LipoProteins which is considered as the GOOD CHOLESTEROL.

Now the interesting bits begin, the GOOD cholesterol can help reduce the BAD cholesterol. 

HDL's are found in a variety of nuts and seeds. 

Also remember the raw form of the nuts and seeds will have the highest amounts of HDL's and the more you fry, roast them will loose those essentials oils in that nut. 
If you want to read in detail about the HDL's then go here, 

1. Read this about HDL's - CLICK HERE
2. How much HDL to consume - CLICK HERE
3. Foods to boost HDL's - CLICK HERE

5. Salt in Control - 

Salt, ie Sodium makes your nerves less flexible. And so with blockages when the blood pumps into heart; with hard nerves it might be more risky for the heart to get into a attack mode.

Salt intake when less helps to keep nerves flexible and "stretchable or rubbery" if that makes sense. Helps to broaden the nerve while circulation if pressure increase and less the risk of heart disease.

Well Im no expert at this, the language Ive used will be easily telling you that. Go here to read in detail..

Salt and its dangers - CLICK HERE

6. Stress -

The Biggest Reason for Heart Disease! If you don't have Heart problems, blockages or any other heart related disorders. And still Stress can cause a Heart Attack.

Stress can be relieved by Meditation Practice, Exercise(yes Again), Deep Breathing, and avoiding unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy people, Praying etc.
You can check Free Meditation here - CLICK HERE
Why do you get struck by Stress? - CLICK HERE
If you have Karmic Issues, then Past Life Regression can help - CLICK HERE
EFT Procedure can also help Release unwanted Stress and trauma- CLICK HERE
How to Destress - CLICK HERE

DOWNLOAD this Full Web-Page as an Ebook -

My Final Words on this, do see a Doctor. Im not saying all doctor's are bad. there are some really good doctors, but don't get panicked! A Doctor can help you better when you stay calm!

Leave your comments and let me know your thoughts on this article. Do share with as many people as you can!

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Deaths of Young people, Shocking as it is.. But how to avoid this from happening?

I have recently come across this, very young people passing away at very young ages. And when that happens the first thing that comes across anybody's mind is "what went wrong", or "whats wrong with Life?" "Why this has started happening?". I am here not pinpointing at the unhealthy eating habits of those who have passed away. May their soul rest in peace. But when this starts happening to a number of people frequently, there's definitely some light that needs to be shed on this topic.
And sharing this at somebody's demise might be a pathetic idea, but having this knowledge might actually save lives.

So please read this and share it, and don't share at somebody's demise. It might lead to some different idea in others' minds. 

I am asked this a number of times and here's what I feel is the best answer. I have tried to keep it short and concise as possible. But certain things need to be elaborated to avoid misunderstanding. 

Also don't try to judge the Deaths of people you may know based on this list, this is the help you to keep yourself healthy. While one or more factors might have been responsible for the death of a number of young people.

1. Unconsciously accepted Genetically Modified Food and Additives - 

You might eat food because you believe that "People will sell, and Govt will allow it to be sold, only if its healthy" Well here's the problem.
The food in the market is sold as per the "customer demand" and the affect on health after consumption is kept second. 

Certain food items in your food are Redundant, "they're not food" and so not supposed to be inside your body. But they are allowed, just because there's no proven risk for health. 

These food inclusions involve Artificial colours, artificial flavours, Chemical Fertilisers and Chemical Pesticides etc. All of these have been fearlessly added to foods before, during or after the preparation of the food to keep it intact. Because the customer doesn't accept foods that have less colour, less sweetness or flavour in foods, so these kinds of additives have widely become a part of our foods now. Even when we don't want it.

Non-vegetarian food has Cholesterol but unhealthy practices of producing the chickens is the most deadliest. You can imagine a Chicken thats grown normally in 90-120 days before 30yrs is now available fully grown in 30days... How can that be healthy! Trees that grew fruit after 10-15yrs of growth, are now producing fruits after 2-3yrs.... A lot of Genetic modification goes on in foods to make them produce "quicker". But remember the longer a tree has taken time to produce the fruit,  that tree is going to help you elongate your lifespan. 

This is no lesson to anybody who has passed away, I am just trying to state facts here. And this knowledge is now necessary for all of us. To save our lives!

What can help?

Exercising can help to keep body fit and flush out toxins regularly.

2. Unhealthy Lifestyle Adaptability- 

Your lifestyle has become stagnant, nothing personal. We all have this steady and stagnant lifestyle compared to the heavy physical activity driven lifestyle that we had in past. 
This affects on physical, emotional and mental level. 
And lesser physical activity results into energies not being used, which then wanders around in your system.

And the best definition from my side for this is "Energy not used positively, generally turns into negative energy" And thus starts affecting your system. 

3. BFF with Stress

Stress is the BIGGEST factor responsible for almost any diseases that are taking place now, also there are certain deaths that are occurring without any diseases.... Why? Because of the Stressful factors in life. 
And what are we stressing over? Not earning Millions? or not able to build a castle for our Partner? 
See please don't take this as a remark over the one's who have passed away! I am not criticising their lifestyle, But Criticising the overall lifestyle that we all have accepted as "normal" and are rigorously following it. 
Having a huge house isn't necessary, taking foreign trips frequently isn't necessary to survive, eating in expensive restaurants isn't needed for breathing normally.... 
So don't get depressed over it if things doesn't work out for you the same way how it works out for your friend or colleague.

4. Hocus Pocus left aloof Spirituality - 

Energies on our planet are shifting very fast since past few years, and the present circumstances might be able to make you believe that this isn't a hoax. But its a truth.. 
Energies on this planet are going to support humans of very high Energy. The problem is I saw some very good at heart people pass away, the Reason is that present energies are very stressful and toxic. Toxic enough to melt the toxic people away, and the Good people need to be strong enough to stay resistant to this energy. 
Also in this if any good people go away, its also because they've played their part. And have evolved so much during this time on earth that now they don't need any further evolution. 
So they pass away at higher realms, as their need might arise there. 

While you may have a lot of stuff that you might have kept for entertainment. All these different factors affect each one of you differently. And so I can't say that "this" is unhealthy for you.
TV has been the entertainer for all of us. And what you watch over it is what matters.
If you watch stuff that teaches you a lot of new facts about Death and Life then that too affects your mind.
I know you can't discard this forever because this has become like a necessity for everyone. I am just trying to tell you that don't get unconsciously hooked to it.
To entertain yourself with it is good. But you don't need hours of entertainment everyday. Only a little time with this is good enough to spark up your soul.

6. Negative Planetary Karmic Energy - 

Honestly there's so much going on our planet right now that good souls and good people actually are the most sensitive towards it.
But see the irony of life, we need "good people the most" at such dire times and they are the one's who are leaving because of this cathartic energies moving around.
Inorder to understand the energies of the planet, you need to watch this video I have shared earlier. To know what exactly I am talking about.

I had made a video on the Energies of the planet, you might be interested in watching it...
Go ahead and watch it here...
Its titled as if God and Angel's Exist why do we have Problems -

Hindi Video -

English Video -

7. The Most Obvious Reasons... Because it was Time for them to go! 

Out of all the other reasons I know this is the most True, it was their time to leave. Because no death happens if a person isn't supposed to die. So When its the time for somebody to Go they'll go.

And as unjust as it might sound for a Young person, still the truth remains as it is. Because it was time for them to Go they went away!

God Bless you with all strength if you are Grieving for any near & dear one. I too have seen my Dad's death, which was sudden unexpected and unaccepted for a long time. But things happen at the right time, people leave at the right time. God is always kind to all of us, and he showed extra kindness by taking a person away from suffering by calling them to his Heaven!

These are the major reasons that I feel are responsible, and one or more reasons might be the trigger. But there might be more to this, let me know if you have something more to share on this.

Also share this with all young people to help everyone stay aware of this.

Please don't take this as a critical remark or pigeon-holing over somebody's death. Seeing a number of young people die definitely inspired me to write this. But we are not here throwing any blame of unhealthy lifestyle over anyone. We are all a part of unhealthy lifestyle, and that can be changed by awareness and conscious effort to change it.

Thanks for reading this. Will see you again in Future!

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Who is Crazy after you?💘🤪Pick a Card🤪💘

This video wil give you clues about the person who is crazy after you... just calm yourself down and Pick a Card out of he seven options.. I have used Tarot Cards as well as Oracle Cards to do this Reading. And then see the time stamps and watch for the option you've selected.

Time Stamps - 1.Carnelian- 1:32, 2.Sodalite- 7:10, 3.Quartz- 12:41, 4.Angelite- 19:16, 5.Petalite- 24:55, 6.Larimar- 30:15, 7.Seraphinite- 33:25 

English Video - 
Time Stamps - 1.Carnelian - 1:39, 2.Sodalite - 7:52, 3.Quartz - 14:05, 4.Angelite - 20:13, 5.Petalite - 24:46, 6.Larimar - 29:08, 7.Seraphinite - 33:25 

#pickacard #pickacardreading #pickacardreadings ##pickacardreadingtarot  

Tuesday 5 May 2020

3 Spiritual Secrets

Join the Live Webinar
No Recording No Replays 

Saturday 2 May 2020

I am not here to Prove anything to you!

You maybe aware that I am a YouTuber and create videos to give knowledge about Spiritual Subjects. Also when I say Spirituality, you know "its complicated"

So I had to write about this to clear your Doubts, just in case you had one.

Im not here to prove that I have all the knowledge in the world, I share whatever I feel is important to share. If you believe, Great! Keep Following, if you don't believe in them. Still Great, keep believing in whatever you want to.

I can help you learn to Meditate but I cannot help you to open your chakras. Well be very well aware of this, NOBODY in this world can guarantee opening of chakras to you. Yes there are certain processes that can be done during retreats that can help in clearing and powering up your chakras. 

Also I can help with Tailor made Hypnosis session specially for your problem/ suggestion.

Well let me tell you there's nothing wrong with Angels, its about your Karmas.
So in that case there's nothing EVER WRONG with Chakra Opening, Kundalini, Angels, Archangels or Meditation. Any of these or all of these MIGHT open your Karmic Baggage, which might lead to Negative Circumstances.

But not Calling Angels, Not calling Archangels, Not opening Chakras, Not awakening the Kundalini or not doing Meditation WILL ALSO lead to opening of your Negative Karmic Baggage.

So in that case what's wrong with Meditating? or with connecting with Angels or Archangels? or awakening Kundalini? Well nothing is wrong with it...

If anything that's wrong, is the FEAR or bringing Negativity in your Life. Remember life is a play of Positive & Negative energy. So no use of Freaking out of Negativity.

Once you read this you should understand the answers to all your Doubts and Queries about Angels, Meditation and Kundalini. I never go chasing anyone to convince that "hey take up my course", "there's nothing wrong with connecting with Angels". I am not used to getting down to my knees to get you to buy stuff from me. If whatever I have given here, pleases you get into my courses. If you are dead scared of Negativity, then maybe you should stay away from.... ahem ahem...

Well Life itself never promises to be always Positive, then how are you gonna avoid bad stuff to happen to you.

This is why I always advice people to Tie themselves up indefinitely with the Divine. This atleast will give you the strength to endure anything.

So just chill, life isn't always the way it seems. And Difficult things are not as Deadly as they are told by some freaky people. You ought to trust in Life, because that's the only choice you have!

I lately have been getting a lot of emails, comments and queries even on my Facebook page, Insta etc. Well I actually appreciate you taking the time and effort to leave your valuable comments.
What I have also seen is a few comments and remarks that are provoking, negative, critical or totally disrespectful. Well at times I do let it go thinking that person must be going through some tough phase. And is throwing the anger upon my video/ blog. But its not acceptable all the time.

Well if you are someone who likes to drop hateful or critical comments on videos and websites please think twice before doing that. There are humans behind videos and websites.

Also if you feel that leaving a irritable remark about my knowledge might stir me up to accept your challenge or confront you to prove my knowledge! then too you're wrong.
In that case I will accept my failure in front of your rudeness. Because I am not made of that fabric! and So I cannot stand it.

If you are interested in my videos and knowledge that I give, I would like to have people like you visit more on my website, videos and check out the amazing videos that I have created for you.  It takes time, effort to create all this. And your time and effort of stopping by... helps me feel my stuff is valuable. Thanks and keep doing it.

I will see you some other time!

bye for now

Listen to my Podcast on Spotify here - LISTEN NOW

Monday 20 April 2020

How to Prepare for the worst Economical Collapse in history?

Hey guys,
Current situation where tons of people are going to loose their jobs, and many have already lost it. There is this burning question that many might have. 
I wanted to share this important video from my Online Business Mentor Siddharth Rajsekar with you...

Do watch it and leave your comments on the video itself. I want that you take this thing seriously! Its not to create panic, but to create awareness.

- Priti

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Can Past Life Regression Erase Karmas? in Hindi

I have been asked this question whether visiting a Past Life would erase all karmas and take away all problems of life. Check this.. what you can actually expect and what not to expect!
I see that you are so bothered with life that you quickly want all your problems to vanish. And for that to happen your Past Karmas have to vanish or get null.
And your expectations from Past Life can be that it should erase karmas... 

Check this video, how much can past life help...

Hindi - 

English -

Past Life Therapy Bookings -

Past Life Therapy Course Waitlist -

Watch earlier videos on Past Life here - 

Is Discovering your Past Life Dangerous for your Present Life?

What if you get Stuck in a Past Life and Never Return?  

How can Past Life Regression help you?

#pastliferegression #pastlifetherapy #erase #karmas #getridof

#baddeeds #knowmore #prituzz #soulspurpose

See latest sharing on my blog

Chakrapur Chakra Opening Program

 यदि आप अपनी भीतर की दुनिया में प्रवेश करके अपने चक्रों को खोलना चाहते है, तो ये बिलकुल सही जगह है।  जहाँ आप आये है।  ये क्लास के द्वारा आप ...