Sunday 4 October 2015

Monthly Angel Tarot Reading for October 2015

Monthly Angel Reading for astrological sun-signs 

Hello welcome to monthly Angel Readings, I know you love monthly predictions and like to be updated about hows and why's of your life. So here's it. I have done the reading using the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue. If you want to check it out or buy it check here>>

For Ram's (Mar 21st - Apr 20th) - Six of Gabriel
This month you will be getting rewards of finishing some project or a job, you can celebrate your wins. And prepare to move into new direction. This new direction can be your next project or your new job. Its just something that's in sync with your heart's feelings.
With whatever you want to do, remember that the angel's are seeing you from above and are showering you with their love blessings and support. 
Lucky number - Six
Lucky Colors - Yellow, golden and orange

For The Bull ( Apr 21st - May 21st) - Six of Raphael
This month you need to know that you will be re-uniting with some old school friend or lover. You might also get into a relationship with someone whom you know since your childhood. Also if this doesn't apply to you, remember you need to accept your 'inner child'. There's a little kid in everyone of us, and when you let that child be, you will be able to grow stronger and more brighter on the outer shell.
Lucky number - 3, 6
Lucky colors - yellow, aqua green

For the Twins ( May 22nd - Jun 21st) - Eight of Raphael
No matter how OKAY, your present may seem. You always know from the inside when its time to move on. You needn't be 'pushed away' inorder to get a sign of transition. When you are able to see the change coming for you, that little feeling to 'walk away' is enough to convince you to make it happen. You might feel scared of leaving what you have, though its not as pleasing as you want it to be. Yet when you are not happy with what you have, when you leave it. You are actually making space for the new and lovelier to enter into your life.
Lucky Number - 8
Lucky Color - Parrot Green, Green

For the Crab (Jun 22nd - Jul 23rd) - Seven of Michael
The place where you are now, or the place where you are deciding to look forward to may not be the best place for you to go in. You are not clear with what you want and where to go. And so its better to take a pause and then try to decide. Also you can try taking the advice of some expert about what you are deciding to do. Rather then trying to work alone on this. 
Lucky number - seven
Lucky color - bright yellow, sky blue

For the Lion(Jul 24th - Aug 23rd) - King of Raphael
This month's going to be super fun for you. You are going to be a part of celebration or will be enjoying a celebration. It will become that way, wherever you go there'll be a celebration. You carry high vibes and your aura has it. You life holds a lot more and you need to quite a long way. Trust yourself and trust your vibes. Keep yourself on high vibe always, by doing things that elevate your mood. Try to keep away from things that draw down your energy or mood.
Lucky Color - White, Gray
Lucky Number - 2,3

For the Virgin (Aug 24th - Sep 23rd) - Two of Ariel
Does life seem to be tricky? You can balance it now, though whatever the condition it right now. God gives you challenges only how much you can handle. He never overloads anyone. So whatever you have, you have it because you CAN handle it. And though you feel overwhelmed by your problems. You will be doing better when you stop worrying and complaining and START doing/acting. Do one thing at a time, sort out your priorities and take life one chunk at a time.
Lucky Number - 2
Lucky Colors - Blue, easy pink
Lucky object - yin/yang balance symbol

For the Scales (Sep 24th - Oct 23rd) - King of Raphael
This month promises that you are being watched over by a kind angel. You might have challenges ahead, but whatever you do. You are going to be supported, safeguarded and helped by this loving angel. This angel might not be quite remarkable in his actions, making you realize that he's by your side. But he is strong enough to lead you, direct you and shift you on the right path you need to be in.
Lucky number - 2, 4
Lucky Color - Orange

For the Scorpions (Oct 24th - Nov 22nd) - Ten of Ariel
Doesn't life seem fun? dont try to make it too hard, and an official trip to planet earth to live. You have your duties, but spreading Love also includes to engulf yourself into a loving energy. How can you give love to other's by keeping your own self devoid of it or starving of it?
Let yourself loose at times. Share your stories, love, joys with the one you love. Spending quality time with family and friends will be a great help you lift your confidence and self-esteem.
Lucky Number - 10, 1, 0
Lucky Color - the one you love

For the Centaur (Nov 23rd - Dec 22nd) - King of Raphael
This month seems you will be riding speedily and smoothly along your life's path. Nothing can stop you or come your way. Keep going. You need to be consistent and determined on your path. Yes people might try to slow you down or make you think twice before continuing with what you are doing. But worry not. When you feel from deep inside that you are doing worth, then there's nothing to worry about.
Lucky Numbers - 1
Lucky Color -white

For the Goat ( Dec 23rd - Jan 20th) - Epiphany
Take your knowledge and wisdom and help other's know it. When you constantly polish yourself with something, you really get to a point where you have done it enough so that you can help other's do it in a way you did.
Now is the time for that. You have a lot of spiritual knowledge and you need to put it to good use. You used for yourself till now, now its time for sharing and being the guiding light.
Lucky Numbers - 9
Lucky Colors - purple, indigo

For the Water Bearer (Jan 21st - Feb 19th) - Knight of Raphael
This is the time when you have to start moving. You need not stay stagnant and keep thinking forever. You cannot wait any longer now, just take the leap and start moving in a direction your heart is directing you towards.
Don't let the emotions drive you in a different direction or stop you from doing what you want. Let the emotions become a positive & motivational push.
Lucky numbers - your favorite lucky number
Lucky colors - golden

For the Fishes (Feb 20th - Mar 20th) - Five of Ariel
Your current life seems challenging, don't let the challenges take a toll on your health. You may have a lot of responsibilities but nothing is worth your health. Let other's take a little bit of load from your burden. Not to overwhelm, but people who genuinely want to help. Let them help. Hard times always promise to bring in the happy times. And inorder that you welcome the happy times in your future, try your best to make this time 'time for learning' rather then hardships.
Lucky number - 8, 5
Lucky color - fuchsia

This was all for this month's astrological signs, will be back with more great Angel stuff soon. Let me know how you liked this month's predictions, did it help you? Did it not? Whatever just drop in your comments....

Monday 28 September 2015

Prayer Power

Do you feel you don't know how to pray?
Do you have problems with God and relationship with him?
Do you feel God isn't interested in listening to you?

Prayer Power

This course is for you if you want to pray effectively. It will help you to learn how to pray right, so that you get required assistance from God. 
This course is open for all. Its not based on any religion. And its open for people across all religions. But no religious talk please!

To participate in this course you just need to follow these rules -
- You need to pledge that you will follow if for entire life.
- You need to practice the course regularly, and participate regularly on the facebook group with your assignments.

So to join this group just go to this link. You will be asked to fill in your details, and as soon as you confirm your e-mail. You will be sent a mail with the facebook group link to join. The facebook group has all the required lessons. 
 Join the course

Saturday 26 September 2015

13 Shocking TRUTHS about your Body, that will always be a secret

Every Disease is curable within 3 Days

So whether you might have heard about a lot of incurable diseases, or chronic diseases or maybe epidemics that have yet no cure to be found.
Still your body has the power to cure every damn diesase within 3days, or 72 hours specifically.

Your body can CREATE nutrients by itself, from all the fresh LIVE foods that you are eating.

This is another shocking thing, that will spin your head. Till now you just knew that there is a required amount of nutrients that you need to take daily. But have you questioned that when you are eating enough nutrients, still at times when you are feeling down. Why does your body feel stressed, tired out and weak? 
Whatever food we eat all is not LIVE food. All foods that are freshly prepared, all seasonal fruits, all seasonal vegetables, etc. All are Live foods. 
Live foods have prana energy, and one way to recognize live foods is that they will not last long. they get spoilt. Their ingredients that allow them to decompose quickly, actually help your body cells to re-generate quickly when needed. All live foods should be consumed quickly before they get spoilt.
Fruits and Veggies once cut, should be consumed within 30-mins. After that it becomes dead food. And dead food only adds to the bulk in your body.
Ive seen few poor laborers in India, when my own house was getting renovated. They used to daily eat jowar roti(jowar bread), onions and chillies and Dal and rice. That's it. This was their daily food. They were totally healthy, they didn't have spectacles, and they were healthy psychologically too. 

A Healthy Body can NEVER be attacked by Germs

Your body needs nutrition, because you are lacking in nutrition your body gets attacked by germs!! Is that what you learnt right?
Well here's a greater and fuller truth. Your body is getting weak by consuming chemical induced foods. Foods grown with chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Foods processed by chemical additives and preservatives. 
Additives & Preservatives in food don't make the foods preserve nutrition.
If you eat organic fresh foods, your body is invincible against all kinds of Germs and any amount of Germs. 

Happily & Willingly done, physical work done over and over again. Can make your inner body strong and keep you strong for years.

This is a classic, and you might have heard it. Ive seen laborers in India. They work the whole day, in sunlight(ofcourse they dont wear expensive sunscreens). Work whole day, have lunch once. And then again work. They are seldom seen complaining about any aches in body, never seen them catching cold. 

    Your body can stand any amount of Negativity. 

If you are positive from within, and you have forgiving nature. Your body can stand any amount of Negativity. You need to think good & forgive yourself and everybody else in this world.
Take-in and Give-out ONLY Love. 

You attract what you think of.

This is a classic, and you might have heard it before. But what you might have also heard along with this being said is that you will take time to shange your mindset and make it positive.
Also scientifically its believed that it will take time for you to change your mindset. But the real truth is that you can change your mindset in a fraction of a second. And become totally a pure hearted and pure minded person!

No Disease exists on this planet. 

Its a lie that the diseases are existing on this planet. Its not that way. You are creating new diseases in your body with inducing things that are not tolerable for a live body to accept. 
You know what's it, still you keep doing it. Coz its the norm, generally accepted fact. So you too are doing it. 
Foods, actions and lifestyle that are not good for Humanity are adapted by majority of masses. and people who dont the trend are considered less dignified, less knowledgeable, not following the fashion trend etc. Whereas the best health secrets are already known by you, held down by your ancestors.

Nobody, Nothing can kill you in this world. Except you!

Yes another shocking thing. What lies outside you, is first created inside you. So any life threatening person, animal, situation or things are first created inside you. And then they get attracted in the outer environment of you. 
To overcome this, Go here>>

Love from the one you love the most, has the greatest healing Powers!

Love from a person you love the most works greater then any motivational program, therapy from an expert, retreats, etc. But what when you are not close to that Loved one? Well at that time retreats, friends, motivational programs etc will work for you. 

Regular Medical Check-ups are not that necessary!

Dont get me wrong. This is not said to shun the traditional medical advice of having regular medical checkups. If you are not going to follow what I am gonna share next, then you better follow this.
Regular medical checkups are not as necessary, as regularly eating fresh foods, regular exercising/yoga/meditation is, fresh natural outdoors, are required by our bodies.
Body is made up of 5 elements and natural surroundings are enriched with a maximum of them. So body can replenish them quickly there.

Youe body can become inconquerable 

If you eat Organic Vegan foods for prolonged period in your life, along with that follow humanity and goodness & forgiveness to self and others. Then your body is inconquerable. Meaning nobody with negative or ill-wishes can hurt you or affect you with their conspiracies. When you stay clear of -ve Karma your body stays clear and cannot receive -ve karmas from others.

Natural form of treatments, keep you closer to God & Nature.

Diseases are a way of Body to show you that something is not right with you. You need to set things right before you move any further.
And traditional forms of medication never tries to heal your mind. Its will induce chemicals to bring balance when there are certain imbalances in your organs.
But natural forms of Medicines like Ayurveda & Homeopathy gets into the root of the cause and then heals the body. 

Following Truth, Honesty, Justice, Forgiveness and Humanity gives you strength from Divine and give you a longer life-span.

These are some of the virtues that you might have been taught since childhood. But these go a long way. When you dont follow any of these you get caught in guilt, shame, repentance all emotions that don't make you feel good about yourself.
Doing Good to self & other's always gives you a good sense of being that will help you to elongate your life span.

A pure soul, can always bring purity to the world!

This is the most priceless one! If you dont know then let me tall you about it. If you do all the above hard-work to make your body healthy and follow good virtues. You are actually radiating out purity that extends across the globe. You don't need any extra supernatural powers to do that.
Following good virtues towards self and others itself is the greatest penance anybody can pay. And when you do it regularly daily  for years, decades and entire lifetime. It really pays off.

Disclaimer - Though there are facts expressed here that go totally against the norms of the medical world, I suggest that you follow these tips with discretion. You might need medical help, at times. So act accordingly. 
I am not any health practitioner or doctor. Please follow the guidance given by your health practitioner to help you with your issue. 


* indicates required

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Angel Card Readings

Are you in trouble?
Do you need advice for money, relationships, or career?
Have you tried Tarot or Angel Readings and are not happy with them?

You are at the right place. You can get accurate and life-transforming readings here.
I am a Certified Tarot & Angel Card Reader. A member of American Tarot Association that assures you are in the hands of a reliable Expert.
I love to help people to transform their lives through Angel Readings.

Angel Cards are a safe & gentle way to help you with your troubling issues with your life. 
Angel's are Divine beings, who are at an energetic level above you. And are always waiting to help you with problems that haunt you. 

Here have a look at what people have to say about my Angel Readings - 

I was a bit skeptic about these occult things, but your reading and accuracy has made me say hats off to you. I don't know whether I believe in these things or not. But I will surely turn for a reading from you again. 
- A. R. United Kingdom

I was confused about with my career and was feeling like I was wasting my time and money and still feeling stuck where I was. Your reading have cleared the path. And I know its me who has to take the next step. But you have clearly showed the path to me. 
- S. P. Ohio

I am deeply moved by the reading you gave to me. totally resonates with my present situation of life. thank you. 
- M.M United States

So now if you have decided that you want to get a reading from me, then go to the Angel Reading Page, if you already are in love with Angel Readings and would love continuous support with readings then go to Angel Reading Subscription page and finally if you are tight on finances and cannot spare a huge chunk, then I would like to help you with my Quality Discounted Readings

Im here to help people with my spiritual abilities. But if you are not set with your finances, I don't want to hog on your money that can feed your family. So please be free to take Quality Discounted Readings. And yes if you cannot take the quality discounted readings too, and still need help. I have a very powerful course called "Prayer Power" course. That can help you change your life. Its Free. But available only upon request. So write to me if you want it at 

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Power Meditations

Do you have problem meditating?

Does your heart long for having that perfect and empowering Meditative experience?

Did you ever wish that you too could meditate like a Yogi?

Life has many facets, life has many learnings, and life has questions that need to be answered.
More twist to this, not everyone of us wants the answer to same questions!
And yet all questions are somewhat the same.

If you are just stuck in one area of life, i.e. Materialistic you'll be in trouble. Because it doesn't answer those questions. Also you can't stay stuck in ONLY spiritual world or any other world either. There needs to be balance. 

Meditation is your answer to the present life's problems. 

You need to meditate if...

- You need some extra energy, that today's food doesn't supply.
- You need to keep up with the pace of the world, and excel and keep stress at bay.
- You want to balance all areas of your life. You want good health, good relationships, success at work, continue your inner growth towards being a better human....

Friday 21 January 2011

Free Tarot Learning Course

Course beginning on 28th January.
All you need is your own Tarot Deck, you can choose the decks here

It has limited entires, you will learn basic Tarot Reading. 
After this course you will be able to do basic readings for people.
This is a warm-up sort of course, meant to bring awareness about tarot. Plus to give tarot aspirants basic start-up knowledge of Tarot.

Hurry, just 1 day left for the course to begin.

See latest sharing on my blog

Chakrapur Chakra Opening Program

 यदि आप अपनी भीतर की दुनिया में प्रवेश करके अपने चक्रों को खोलना चाहते है, तो ये बिलकुल सही जगह है।  जहाँ आप आये है।  ये क्लास के द्वारा आप ...